We have alliances with some tour operators that offer rides to the attractions near Mérida, so you don´t forget to visit incredible places like Chichen Itza (wonder of the world) see the flamingos in Celestún, etc.
We also have contact with suppliers of unforgettable experiences, some of whom can come to our facilities to offer them some activities like a mezcal or tequila tasting, cooking or dance classes or just a romantic lunch or dinner.
Ask us directly for ideas and we will gladly help you make your trip an unforgettable experience. We also know the area and the city very well so we can recommend places and itineraries. Finally, we clarify that we don´t have parking spaces, but we have an agreement with a nearby parking lot in case you need it.
To get more information about the activities available, you can contact us and we will gladly help you make your experience unforgettable.